The “Ser” Manifesto

Simply put, “ser” means “love” in Armenian. But this is not the usual hetero-patriarchal definition of love. Nor is it the fairy tale kind of love; or the love we value as a limited resource that we should hoard for ourselves or our immediate loved ones. No, “ser” is not transactional, obligatory, finite, or greedy.

Ser is revolutionary. Ser is the kind of love that encompasses ALL of life. This quality of love is organized around the real needs of real people, instead of false prophets and bullshit norms. This way of loving is actionable and brings about transparency, accountability, deep healing, and transformative justice. Ser touches and transforms every aspect of our lives; from our personal growth to our relationships, communities, and environment.

Ser starts from within, but it doesn’t stop there.

Ser represents a dance between our individual freedoms and collective liberation. It’s the kind of love that will hold a mirror to your flaws and invite you in for deeper reflection. It’s the kind of love that honors the greatness of our messy, imperfect human experience. This brand of love does not judge or alienate you no matter what you call yourself, what pronouns you use, who you marry, or what God you pray to. Ser is the brave and resilient kind of love that could move mountains and change the world.

Ser thrives when you’re committed to learning, understanding, and growth.

Seek with Ser is a reminder that love is more than just a feeling; it is a state of Being that reflects our deepest longing for connection, care, and fulfillment.

Whatever you seek, I hope you Seek with Ser.

About Margarit Davtian

Margarit Davtian is a behavior scientist and social change innovator based in Los Angeles. She is also a content creator, writer, and mentor. She is most passionate about helping people advocate for their rights, their freedoms, and their individuality.

With a double Masters in Psychology, Margarit collaborates with like-minded individuals, brands, and businesses to solve complex social problems. Her unique, multidisciplinary approach bridges the gap between science and spirituality; academia and real-world application. She specializes in integrating research, theory, and practicum from a range of psychological studies, including but not limited to social, clinical, cognitive, transpersonal, and industrial/organizational psychology. As a science communicator, she has a knack for distilling complex, abstract information into clear, accessible, and engaging language for a broad audience.

As a first generation immigrant, Margarit's experiences give her an unconventional positionality and perspective in the world. She promotes her intersectional worldview to disrupt the status quo of unequal power structures--including those structures within our own psyche! Margarit believes the world needs fewer billionaires and more social responsibility. She is a huge advocate of consumer rights and ethical business. She keeps it real. People have described her approach as “refreshing.” Perhaps it’s because she's a thought leader, not a cult leader!

When she's not busy slaying cults and critiquing toxic spirituality online, Margarit enjoys aerial dancing, traveling, and cuddling with her cat over tea (or a glass of red wine) and a good memoir. Oh, and she's really into skincare!

In the time that she is writing this third person narrative, she believes inner freedom is being able to define yourself outside of the capitalist patriarchy. She helps people get there. She believes the future is feminist and SER is the most transformative force in the universe.

Margarit's Background, Training, and Education


Applied Psychology, M.S.

Concentration in Consumer Behavior
University of Southern California

Social Sciences, M.A.

Concentration in Social Science Research, Theory, and Practicum
University of Chicago

Psychology, B.A.

Minor in Criminal Justice

Professional Training


Seek With Ser, LLC.

Creative Associate

CK&D Cause Marketing and Media Group

Ethical Brand Strategist

Conserve National Forests

Program Coordinator

California Department of Public Health

Research Associate

UCLA Gambling Studies Program

Clinical Trial Coordinator

Integrated Medical and Behavioral Associates

Research Assistant

University of Chicago


YTT 500 Certified Meditation Teacher

Yoga Essence Rishikesh

Awareness Intensive Retreat Facilitator

Integral Being Institute

Mindfulness Awareness Practitioner (MAPs), L1

UCLA Mindfulness Awareness Research Center

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Start a Conscious Revolution

Conscious Revolution is a newsletter & podcast about the intersection of cults, cons, and capitalism. How do we define ourselves outside of exploitative social systems, mainstream cults, internet echo-chambers, and authoritarian agendas? How do we navigate the collective struggle to discern reality from illusion? Conscious Revolution is a critical exploration of this and so much more! Get in, loser: We're starting a Conscious Revolution!

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